


Conflict Mitigation in Disaggregated Wireless Networks

Idaho National Laboratory (INL) LDRD, Award No. 25A1090-129FP

Role: Co-PI, Budget: $230k, Period of Performance: 2024–2026

Modeling the relationships between xApps, RAN parameters, and performance indicators as graphs and using knowledge graphs to detect and mitigate conflicts. Responsible for compliance with O-RAN and prototyping our proof-of-concept solution.


U.S.-Ireland R&D Partnership: Fungibility in Mobile Networks for Resilient 6G

NSF CISE CORE: Small, Award No. 2421362

Role: PI, Budget: $552k (+ £300k in NI and €349k in RoI), Period of Performance: 2024–2027

International collaborative project with Ireland, investigating the equivalence between different network resources, components, and functions to create new degrees of freedom in resource management and introduce new types of network redundancies to improve the resilience of 6G networks to cyberattacks and failures. Responsible for the research vision and project leadership.



O-Milli-RAN: An O-RAN-compliant, Softwarized mmWave Radio Stack with Flexible PHY and MAC

NSF CIRC Planning-C, Award No. 2346384

Role: PI, Budget: $100k, Period of Performance: 2024–2025

Engaging with the mmWave  communications research community to gauge their interest and support to develop an O-RAN-compliant, softwarized mmWave radio stack with flexible PHY and MAC to enable new research opportunities. Responsible for the research vision, engaging with stakeholders, compiling and publicizing our findings.



SECURIS: Securing Next G mmWave in Programmable RF Environments with Reconfigurable Intelligent


NSF SaTC: CORE: Medium, Award No. 2318796

Role: Senior Personnel, Budget: $220k, Period of Performance: 2023–2025

Securing the communication of mmWave systems that leverage Reflective Intelligence Surfaces (RISs) through ML-based beam management techniques to detect and avoid potential attackers. Responsible for experimental research and integration of the RISs with our testbed infrastructure.



6G-XCEL: 6G Trans-Continental Edge Learning

European Union Smart Networks and Services Joint Undertaking (EU SNS JU): EU-US 6G R&I Cooperation Program, Award No. 10113919

Role: US Partner, Period of Performance: 2024–2027

Laying the foundation for AI in 6G standardization roadmap, with a decentralized, multi-party, multi-network, AI framework on top of O-RAN. Responsible for our technical contribution to the project, writing our portion of the proposal, and collaborating with European partners.




NSF Student Travel Grant for the 2024 IEEE International Symposium on Dynamic Spectrum Access Networks (DySPAN)

NSF Student Travel Grant, Award No. 2420834

Role: PI, Budget: $15k Period of Performance: 2024–2025

Providing financial assistance for supporting students from disadvantaged backgrounds and underrepresented minorities in computing, e.g., women, LatinX, African Americans, and Native Americans, to attend IEEE DySPAN 2024 in Washington, DC. DySPAN is a prestigious international conference on dynamic spectrum access technologies and advanced wireless research.