3. Adrian Baron-Hyppolite, Jefferson Viana, Joao F. Santos, Luiz A. DaSilva, and Jacek Kibilda, “Adaptive Beam Management for Secure mmWave Communications Using Software-Defined Radios”, IEEE Military Communications Conference (MILCOM) Demo, Boston, USA, 30 Oct.–02 Nov. 2023, to appear.
2. Jaswanth S. R. Mallu, Joao F. Santos, Aloizio P. da Silva, Prateek Sethi, Vikas Radhakrishnan, and Luiz DaSilva, “AI/ML Data-driven Control Loop for Managing O-RAN SDR-based RANs”, IEEE International Conference on Computer Communications (INFOCOM) Demo, New York, USA, 17–May 2023.
1. Joao F. Santos, and Wei Liu, “Distributed End-to-End Network Slicing across Radio Access, Transport, and Core Networks”, imec Wireless Community (WiCo) Workshop Demo – Experimentation Facilities for Wireless Connectivity in Industrial IoT Applications, Webinar, 08 Sep. 2020.
3. Joao F. Santos, Aloizio P. Silva, Luiz A. DaSilva, and Jacek Kibilda, “Software-defined mmWave Initial Access using GNU Radio”, GNU Radio Conference (GRCon), Washington DC, United States, 26-30 Sep. 2022, submitted for selection
2. Joao F. Santos, Jonathan van de Belt, and Luiz A. DaSilva, “Hierarchical Orchestration of End-to-End Networks”, Wireless Innovation Forum European Summit on Wireless Communications Technologies (WInnComm Europe), Berlin, Germany, 14 May 2019
1. Joao F. Santos, and Leandro. A. F. Fernandes, “Otimizando a Transformada de Hough com Interseção de Semiespaços/Optimising the Hough Transform with Half-space Intersections”. SBC Conference on Graphics, Patterns and Images (SIBGRAPI), Ouro Preto, Brazil, 22-25 Aug. 2012
Ingrid Moerman, Wei Liu, Johann Marquez-Barja, and Joao Santos, “State-of-the-art in Software-defined Wireless Networking”, imec Wireless Community 32nd Workshop – Experimentation Facilities for Wireless Connectivity in Industrial IoT Applications, Webinar, 8 Sep. 2020